Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the Party Planning and Ride Rental Questions We get Asked Most Often

No, there is no minimum amount of equipment or catering items you have to book. We can provide one item or 100!

Each event has so many variables that affect the bottom line, making it impossible to have a set price list. However, our proposal turnaround time frame is 24 hours or less!

We are happy to provide whatever services you are in need of and would be happy to forge new relationships with other vendors.

As much as possible. The more information provided, the more assistance we can provide. However, if you are just getting started, we can most likely save you a great of deal of time by pointing you in the right direction from the beginning.

Yes, this is where we really shine! We specialize in handling every detail of your event including event design, implementation, management, delivery and wrap up.

We do! We are familiar with each state's requirements, timelines and expectations.

We carry 2 million dollars in general liability insurance and we also carry workmen's compensation insurance. We will be happy to work with your institution's requirements and exceed those expectations.

Don't waste another minute, call one of our event managers at 803-358-9476 today!